Tips On Using Your Green Thumb In Organic Gardening

If you are environmentally conscious and worried about the toxic effects of chemicals, organic gardening may be for you. Organic gardeners eschew the harsh chemicals and fertilizers used by large corporate farms. Another benefit of organic gardening is that it is relatively inexpensive. Here are some fundamental tips to get you well on your way to being a successful organic gardener.

Choose higher yield plant varieties. There are genetically modified plants that resist cold and/or disease. These often give higher yields due to higher survival rates.

Starting seedlings in pots before planting in your garden is a smart idea. They are more likely to survive the transition to adulthood with this method. It also permits you to tighten the time between plantings. When you remove your mature plants, the next batch of seedlings should be ready.

Take all of the weeds out of your landscaping! Weeds can truly ruin a good garden. To aid in this venture, you might want to use white vinegar. Use it instead of chemical solutions to kill weeds. Spray white vinegar onto those troubling weeds.

When you are tending your garden in the fall, be on the alert for stink bugs. They like fruits, as well as peppers, beans and tomatoes. Stink bugs may get out of hand and do significant damage in your garden. It is important to take steps to eliminate them from that area.

You may want to think about having evergreens that will produce berries planted in your yard. This gives your garden a bit of a “splash” of color, even in winter when everything is nearly colorless. Some evergreens that will provide winter color are the American Holly, Common Snowberry, American Cranberrybush, and the Winterberry.

Now you should be much more prepared when it comes to organic gardening. If you were under the impression you were good at organic gardening before, you should now feel like an expert! These tips will have hopefully given you the tips you need to grow a organic garden.

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